Mexican Cuisine: An Excellent Choice.

Mexican cuisine has become integrated into American popular culture, not just as an option in specialized restaurants, but also as a common element in the menus of social events and family gatherings. These aspects, combined with its recognized value in terms of flavor and quality, have solidified the position of Mexican food as one of the most beloved foreign cuisines in the United States.

know us

Tacos y jugos

The restaurant Tacos y Jugos Génesis, founded in 2010, offers an exceptional culinary experience with its Mexican cuisine, known for its rich diversity of intense and vibrant flavors. Its menu, which includes everything from tacos and enchiladas to mole and quesadillas, uses fresh and healthy ingredients like tomatoes, avocados, beans, and corn. Each bite at Tacos y Jugos Génesis is not just a delight for the palate, but an immersion in the rich culture and tradition of Mexico since 2010. The adaptability of its cuisine to different tastes and diets, along with creativity in its preparation, make this restaurant an indispensable choice for food lovers.

Renato Castañeda
founder, chef mexicano

Renato is the visionary behind Tacos y Jugos Génesis, a place where his passion for Mexican cuisine is reflected in every dish. As the owner and head chef, he blends his cultural heritage with an innate culinary talent to deliver the finest flavors of Mexico. Raised in a family where food symbolized love and unity, Renato has infused these traditions into his restaurant since 2010. His dedication to making everything even better, combined with the warmth with which he welcomes each customer, turns Tacos y Jugos Génesis into more than just a restaurant; it's a piece of Mexico in the heart of New York.